时隔TCL 10 5G之后,国产手机厂商酷派也在CES2020上公布旗下首款5G手机Legacy 5G,网卓新闻网,将于第二季度在美国上市发售,售价高于400美元,还将近三星Note 10+ 5G价格的一半。...【详情】
ZTE, the Chinese mobile device maker, will begin selling smart watches next quarter, signalling that the nascent market for wearable connected devices is alread...【详情】
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond ...【详情】
Just three months after raising an enormous sum of money from investors, Uber is at it again.三个月前刚刚从投资者那里筹措到一大笔钱的优步(Uber)又要融资了。...【详情】
Entrepreneurs and investors in California can expect to receive a rude shock in the mail if they sold their company in the last four years. Not only did the sta...【详情】
Ben Silbermann, Pinterest: going global, modestlyBen Silbermann screws up his face as he considers what he could buy now he has been officially declared a billi...【详情】